
A Division of Custom Equipment Engineering, LLC

And Much, Much More -----

Light Curtains.

Safety Interlock Devices

​Since we often purchase large lots and entire inventories of equipment, we tend to sometimes end up with items that are outside of the core product catagories or brands, that we try to primarily focus on. In order to free up shelf space in our warehouse, we've recently launched an On-Line "Odds & Ends Clearance Store", to assist in clearing any "non-core" items from of our inventory, in an on-going manor. As we find time, we'll continue to sift through our warehouse and add more items to this store. We certainly hope you check it out (see link below):

Please Remember: You'll still want to contact us directly (see "Contact Us" tab on this site) for all items such as robots, power supplies, robot controllers, positioners and other primary system components, along with any other items that may not listed in this store and we'd be happy to check our inventory.

Even if we do not have the item you're looking for; let us to the detective work for these items. We have a large network of other robotic and automation suppliers to hopefully secure source the needed item from.


Misc. Manufacturing Tooling


Phone: (314) 749-7164

 ​                  Email:                                               Phone: ( 314) 749-7164                                                                      St. Louis, Missouri

Our "Odds & Ends Clearance Store Includes -----

Networking Components

Servo Motors

Our "Odds & Ends" Clearance Store